Home » » Blogger, Mulai 23 Maret 2015 Blog yang melanggar kebijakan akan dihapus.

Blogger, Mulai 23 Maret 2015 Blog yang melanggar kebijakan akan dihapus.

Starting March 23, 2015, you won't be able to publicly share images and video that are sexually explicit or show graphic nudity on Blogger

Kebijakan konten dewasa di Blogger akan diperbarui mulai tanggal 23 Maret 2015.
Blog yang dibuat setelah tanggal 23 Maret 2015 akan dihapus jika didalamnya terdapat konten yang berbau seksual atau menampilkan gambar porno.
Sedangkan Blog yang dibuat sebelum tanggal tersebut akan diberi pilihan oleh Blogger untuk merubah konten atau menghapus gambar dan video yang mengandung pelanggaran Kebijakan yang baru.
Namun begitu, Blogger masih mengijinkan blog untuk menampilkan konten dewasa, dengan catatan konten yang ditampilkan tersebut bertujuan
memberi manfaat atau kebaikan umum seperti artistik, pendidikan, dokumenter, atau konten ilmiah.

"Adult content policy on Blogger
Starting March 23, 2015, you won't be able to publicly share images and video that are sexually explicit or show graphic nudity on Blogger.
Note: We’ll still allow nudity if the content offers a substantial public benefit, for example in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts.
Changes you’ll see to your existing blogs
If your existing blog doesn’t have any sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video on it, you won’t notice any changes.
If your existing blog does have sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video, your blog will be made private after March 23, 2015. No content will be deleted, but private content can only be seen by the owner or admins of the blog and the people who the owner has shared the blog with.
Settings you can update for existing blogs
If your blog was created before March 23, 2015, and contains content that violates our new policy, you have a few options for changing your blog before the new policy starts:
    Remove sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video from your blog
    Mark your blog as private
If you’d rather take your blog down altogether, you can export your blog as a .xml file or archive your blog's text and images using Google Takeout.
Effect on new blogs
For any blogs created after March 23, 2015, we may remove the blog or take other action if it includes content that is sexually explicit or shows graphic nudity as explained in our content policy."

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